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How To Create A Killer Cheese Board

There are no hard and fast rules for creating a killer cheese board, but here are a few suggestions from Kristen Stevens of Honest Cooking.


  • Use at least 3-4 different kinds of cheeses, and vary their texture. I always include a blue, a creamy cheese, and a hard cheese. On this board, I’ve used Castello Creamy Blue, Castello Brie, Castello Tickler Extra Mature Cheddar, and Castello Cream Cheese with Pineapple.

  • Use great crackers. For years, my go to crackers have been Leslie Stowe’s Rainforest Crisps. Available at most grocers including Costco. They’re crunchy without being TOO crunchy (you know what I mean, right?) and have a great flavor. It’s also a local Vancouver company, which I’ve always loved. I’ve recently tried their Veggie Flats and love them, too.

  • Include some sort of meaty deliciousness … but it doesn’t necessarily have to be meat. Cheese and charcuterie belong together for a reason. Cheese + meat = give me more. On this plate, I added some sliced and baked chorizo. You can have your deli slice you prosciutto or salami or you can put a cured sausage or two on your cheese board and let people slice it themselves. Smoked oysters, pate, and smoked fish are also great. If you’re vegetarian, try adding some sauteed shiitake mushrooms.

  • It’s all about the accoutrements. .Accoutrements are all the fun bits and pieces that fill in the gaps on your cheese board. I’m talking about the olives, jams, honey, roasted garlic, nuts, and fruit. Set them in little plates and bowls or simply scatter them around your board for a more rustic feel.

Pomegranate Baked Brie Cheese Board


  • 1 round of Castello Brie

  • ½ tablespoon brandy

  • 2 tablespoons pomegranate seeds

  • 1 tablespoon pistachios

  • 1 tablespoon honey

  • Crackers or baguette, to serve


  1. Preheat the oven to 350 degrees. Tear a roundish piece of parchment paper large enough to hold the Brie so that it comes partly up the sides of the cheese. Crumple the parchment into a ball then flatten it out again.

  2. With a sharp knife, cut the top off of the round of Brie. Place the Brie onto the parchment paper and then onto a baking sheet. Pour the brandy over the top. Bake in the oven for 12 minutes, or until the Brie is very soft and melty.

  3. Remove the Brie from the oven and sprinkle with the pomegranate seeds and pistachios and drizzle with honey. Serve immediately.


Have the rest of your cheese board plated so that when the baked Brie comes out of the oven you can pop it on the board and serve it right away.

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